
The range of PI 2000 works spans over all sectors of construction. The high technical grade reached, allows us to deal with large orders for great importance working sites. Our technicians can advise and support customers in the design and then the construction of the work improving and perfecting the customer’s project and suggesting the best solution, both from a point of view of an excellent implementation of the work and from an economical point of view, reducing the costs of realization.

Our highly flexible structure and great technical competence ensures customer specific deadlines and services 24 hours a day even on holidays, in order to ensure timely delivery to the customer.


Long-lasting success comes from a business conduct which combines competitiveness and ability to create value. For this reasons PI 2000 adopts responsible behavior towards all of its coordinators,
invests in people and their strength, and contributes to development by integrating each issue in their growth process.

It is a path that points at the same time, to the creation of value and the development of human potential as an investment for effective and lasting competitiveness.


PI 2000 is known in Italy for the quality of the works realized, the professionalism of the staff and the respect of delivery times; certifications and attestations emphasize the long-lasting commitment with regard to the management of our activities, we list below:
  • QUALITY MANAGEMENT systems UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certification
  • ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 certification
  • FACTORY PRODUCTION CONTROL certificate ready-packed CONCRETE DM 14/01/2008
  • MOBILE PLANT WASTE RECOVERY AGGREGATE Authorization Legislative Decree 152/06
  • REGISTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGERS , registered specifically: cat. 5 F class shipping hazardous waste; cat. 9 Class D recovery of contaminated sites; cat.10 / A class D recovery materials containing asbestos in friable compact matrix.
  • Certification of recycled material content in CLS- UNI/PdR 88:2020


PI 2000 provides designers and professionals a solid support.

Our staff in fact guarantees the expertise and experience necessary to better follow every phase of the work, from budgeting to drawings, from components transport to works realization.

In particular, PI 2000 is characterized by flexibility realized by solving each customer’s problem by adopting increasingly innovative methods and sometimes also by purchasing new machinery necessary to specific contracts.

A continuous commitment, in full cooperation with partners and in compliance with regulations.


PI 2000 is committed to developing products with high technical contents of quality and safety, guaranteed by compliance with the standards of the most important European certification bodies.

Finished product compliance is ensured by tests, trials, technical inspections and laboratory analysis that affect all the production cycles, from order to delivery of the work.